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Internal governance is clearly set out with a Governing Board, appointed Management and accountability by Teams and individuals.

Bonroy adheres to well defined strict internal policies and processes. Regular reviews are held to ensure they are effective and constructive to our daily operations.  


Risk Management

We develop and maintain sophisticated risk management systems, processes, and controls meaning we can manage and plan for the risks inherent in commodities trading and supply.


Bonroy applies a range of risk management tools to minimise exposure at any point in time:

  • Financial derivative instruments to hedge commodity price and FX risks.

  • A Risk and Control Committee, including senior management and senior traders, that meets at least weekly to manage overall exposures, and assess the impact of changing market dynamics on risk exposures and concentrations.

  • Ready access to capital and funding to hedge liquidity risk.

  • Strict policies and procedures to manage financial, operational, market, and regulatory risk.

  • Ongoing investment in a competitive IT and digital infrastructure.


Bonroy’s internal Risk Management is fundamental to the company’s development and stability.



The Compliance Team adheres to a comprehensive and strict process in line with current regulatory changes and requirements. This is set out in Company Policies and directives.

All aspects of regulations on insurance, environmental controls, health and safety, financial crime, derivative market rules, and international trade and sanctions are followed and updated to the Company.

The approach is to ensure internal Compliance awareness and external parties are expected to meet the same criteria.

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